How to make a payment via WeChat Pay

WeChat Pay is an application provided by WeChat that is available on both iOS and Android. If you have a bank account that is linked with WeChat Pay, you can make a payment for your orders via WeChat Pay. Please remind that WeChat Pay is available for only some events on Eventpop. If there is a WeChat Pay logo on the event page as in the picture shown below, you can make a payment via WeChat Pay.

How to make a payment via WeChat Pay

You can make a payment by WeChat Pay on the website and application Eventpop by the steps below

Remark : Please review the order details and total amount before proceeding with the payment

  1. After you selected the ticket type, filled in the info, reviewed the order summary, click on "Confirm". The system will take you to the payment page. Select "WeChat Pay"
  2. Click on "Continue".
  3. The system will redirect you to the WeChat Pay application, where you can proceed with the transaction by entering your PIN.
  4. After entering your PIN. The system will automatically update the transaction within 15 minutes. After that, your order status will change to "Paid". You will get a confirmation email with an E-Ticket or an order confirmation. In case you haven't received the email, please check the E-Ticket or order confirmation in the menu My Wallet via Eventpop website and application.

If you make payment via Computer

After reviewing the order summary and selecting make payment with WeChat Pay, please scan the QR Code with the camera. The system will automatically take you to the WeChat Pay page to proceed with the payment.

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