How to Buy Ticket in Pre-Sale round

To provide special benefit for some exclusive customers, the event organizer may give special codes for those customers to purchase ticket(s) in the Pre-Sale round. This means you will have a chance to get the ticket(s) before the Public Sale. However, if you do not have the code, you can still get the ticket(s) during the Public Sale as well.


  1. Special codes for Pre-Sale round are various depending on the event. We recommend you to carefully read the event information and policy again.
  2. Please make sure that you fill in the correct code both in character and format. If the code is wrong, there will be an error saying that "The code you entered is invalid."

    Example Special code for Pre-Sale round is T E S T123

    - If you fill in "TEST123", the system will not allow you to purchase ticket due to lack of spacing between characters.

    - If you fill in "TES T123", the system will not allow you to purchase ticket due to wrong spacing.

    - If you fill in "TEST", the system will not allow you to purchase ticket due to lack of numbers.

    - If you fill in "t e s t123", the system will not allow you to purchase ticket due to lowercase letters.

How to buy ticket in Pre-Sale round via Website

  1. Select an event you're interested in. The system will take you to a page for filling the special code.
  2. Fill in the code and click on "Submit"
  3. Purchase the ticket(s) normally

How to buy ticket in Pre-Sale round via Application

  1. Select an event you're interested in. The system will take you to a page for filling the special code.
  2. Fill in the code and click on "Submit"
  3. Purchase the ticket(s) normally

FAQ you might be interested in

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