How to Purchase Refundable Tickets Service

If the Refundable Tickets Service is available in the event, you can purchase it during making order. Here's how to do it.

1. After you enter the event page, select the type and quantity of ticket and click or tap on "Buy Tickets", the system will take you to the checkout page. You have to fill in the information on the ticket. Then, you will see the Refundable Tickets Service section. You can see how much the insurance fee is. The fee is 11% of ticket price, service charge and shipping fee (if any) only. Payment fee will not be calculated. 


  • Only ticket price, service charge and shipping fee (if any) will be refunded.

2. Normally, the option is set as  "Non-refundable tickets" as default setting. If you want to purchase it, please click or tap on "Refundable Tickets (Recommended)". When you choose "Refundable Tickets (Recommended)", the system will add additional service fee to your order.


1. If you do not select one of these options (Yes or No), you will not be able to process to the next step.

2. You can choose the refundable tickets service while placing an order only. You will not be able to purchase this service again after completing your order, under any circumstances.