Asking for more information and how to contact the organizer

In case you have any inquiries about the event or want to directly contact the organizer, you can find the organizer's information on both Eventpop website and application.

How to contact the organizer on website

After you enter to the event page on website, please scroll down to the end of the page. You will see the name of organizer. You can click on "Contact" on the right side. The contact of the organizer will be shown up.

How to contact the organizer on Eventpop application

After you tap to the event page on application, please scroll down to the end of the page. You will see the name and contact of the  organizer. You can tap on any icons shown. You will be instantly redirected to the email or social media of the organizer. 

The contact of organizer is various depending on the organizer. You can contact the organizer via the contact info provided.


Where does the event take place?
When does the event start and end?
Where are Terms & Conditions of the event?