Creating Account by Email

To get benefits and privileges from Eventpop and organizers including latest news and convenience of ordering tickets, we suggest you sign up and create your own Eventpop account before purchasing event tickets. If you're not a member of Eventpop, you won't be able to purchase tickets because order information and payment method will be linked with your created account.

Remark : This registration is to create an account for collecting order information, not for purchasing tickets or registering to receive tickets.

You can follow the registration process appropriate for your device as below.

Creating account by email on website

1. Go to Eventpop and choose "Log in / Sign up" at the top right corner of the screen.

2. Scroll down at "Don't have an account?" and choose on  "Sign Up"

3. Choose your registration method as an email. You can fill out the form by filling your recent email and password for entering Eventpop. (Password is not necessary to be same as email password.) and fill in your first and last name, mobile phone number, and year of birth as shown in your identification card. You can decide to/not to specify your gender

*To preserve your benefits, please fill information correctly and completely.

4. After filling and re-checking information, click on "Sign up". You will receive a confirmation email. 

Creating account by email on Eventpop Application

1. Go to Eventpop app and choose "Sign Up"

2. Choose your registration method as an email. You can fill out the form by filling your recent email and password for entering Eventpop. (Password is not necessary to be same as email password.) and fill in your first and last name and year of birth as shown in your identification card. You can decide to/not to specify your gender

Remark: To preserve your benefits, please fill information correctly and completely.

3. After filling and re-checking information, click on "Sign up". You will receive a confirmation email. 


Getting a notification saying that “Email has already been taken”, what should I do?

Getting a notification saying that “This email is invalid”, what should I do?

I filled in the wrong email while registering account. What should I do?

FAQ you might be interested in

Create account and Log In Ticket Purchase and Registration Tax Invoice and Withholding Tax
Payment Methods E-Ticket Ticket Pick Up at Event Venue
Ticket Receive by Delivery Other Event Information Watching Livestream via Pop Live
Refundable Tickets Refund Policy Contact Customer Support

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