How to Log in Your Account in Eventpop

Normally, you should log in to your account before buying a ticket on Eventpop. For new customers, you must sign up to create an account with Facebook or email. For customers who already signed up, you can log in to system immediately. Here's how to log in to your account.

How to log in with email on website

  1. Go to Eventpop
  2. Tap on "Log In / Sign Up" at the top right corner of the screen
  3. If you have signed up with email, you can fill in your email and password. Then, tap on "Log in"
  4. When the top right of the screen shows your account, you will be able to purchase tickets on our website or check ticket information you have purchased in My Wallet.

Remark : Don't want to miss booking any good events? You can click on "Remember me" when signing in. The system will recognize your account. Next time you enter to the Eventpop website, you can do various transactions without logging in again.  

How to log in with email on Eventpop application

1. Open application and tap on "Log In" to sign in to your account.

2. If you have signed up with email, You can fill in your email and password. Then, tap on "Log in".

3. Log in will successful. You will be able to purchase tickets on our website or check ticket information you have purchased in My Wallet.

How to log in with facebook by website

  1. Go to Eventpop
  2. Tap on hamburger icon and tap on "Log In / Sign Up" at the top right corner of the screen
  3. Tap on "Login with Facebook"
  4. When the top right of the screen shows your account, you will be able to purchase tickets on our website or check ticket information you have purchased in My Wallet.

How to log in with facebook on Eventpop application

  1. Open application and tap on "Continue with Facebook" to sign in to your account.
  2. You'll see notification show to change to facebook application. tap on "Continue".
  3. Tap on "Continue". Log in will successful. You will be able to purchase tickets on our website or check ticket information you have purchased in My Wallet.


What should I do if I can't log in with email?

What should I do if I can't log in with Facebook?

What should I do if I receive an email for resetting my password, but I didn't request for it?

FAQ you might be interested in

Create account and Log In Ticket Purchase and Registration Tax Invoice and Withholding Tax
Payment Methods E-Ticket Ticket Pick Up at Event Venue
Ticket Receive by Delivery Other Event Information Watching Livestream via Pop Live
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