Problems and Question about How to Create Account by Facebook

Problems and Questions about how to create account by Facebook

Why do I get a notification saying that "This email has already been used to sign up"?

If you create account with Facebook, and the system warns that this email has already been used to sign up for membership. Here's how to fix this problem.

If the system warns that "This email has already been used to sign up.", it means that the email you linked to Facebook is the same as the email you used to sign up. So, you are not able to apply for membership again. You can edit information by logging in with the email or if you forget your password, click on "Forgot your password?" to reset and create a new password for the account.

Why do the system ask me to log in to Facebook again?

If you have already created account with Facebook, you must log in to Facebook first. Then, the system will automatically connect and retrieve information for registration. If you do not log in, the system will notify you to log in as in the preview.

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