Problems and Questions about how to buy ticket and receive it by delivery

Problems and Questions about how to buy ticket and receive it by delivery

How to edit the shipping address?

You can request for correction within 5 working days by sending email to or replying from the order confirmation email and informing the order number and the correct address. 

You can send email after 5 working days as well, but the staff will consider as a case by case.

I purchased many orders. Can they be delivered in one time?

Sorry. Tickets from different orders cannot be delivered in one time.

Can I pick up tickets at the event instead of delivery?

Definitely. You can request for picking up ticket at the event by sending an email to with your order no. or replying back the order confirmation email. Staff will tell you about the process again.

Can I receive tickets by delivery instead of picking them up at the event?

You can request to receive tickets by delivery only when shipping status of your order is "Pending" by sending an email to with your order no. or replying back the order confirmation email. After the method is changed, you will receive an Order Confirmation used to pick up tickets via email or you can also download it at My Wallet menu.

Remark: We reserve the rights not to refund or return shipping fee in case you request to picking up tickets at the event instead of delivery.